
What is GAPS? [Irish Setter Moods]

Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | Apr 02, 2013

by Dr Andrew Jones, DVM


Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAP Syndrome or GAPS)™ is a condition which establishes a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the brain.

What is GAPS?

This term was created by Dr Natasha Campbell–McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (human nutrition) in 2004 after working with hundreds of children and adults with neurological and psychiatric conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD⁄ADD), schizophrenia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, obsessive –compulsive disorder, bi-polar disorder and other neuro-psychological and psychiatric problems.

The purpose of the treatment is to detoxify the person, to lift the toxic fog off the brain to allow it to develop and function properly. In order to achieve that we need to clean up and heal the digestive tract, so it stops being the major source of toxicity in the body and becomes the source of nourishment, as it is supposed to be. As more than 90% of everything toxic floating in our blood (and getting into the brain) comes from the gut, healing it will drop the level of toxicity in the body dramatically.

New Allergy Treatement

People with food allergies and intolerances should go through the Introduction Diet in order to heal and seal their gut lining. The reason for allergies and food intolerances is so-called “leaky gut” when the gut lining is damaged by abnormal micro flora. Foods do not get the chance to be digested properly before they get absorbed through this damaged wall and cause the immune system to react to them. Many people try to identify, which foods they react to. However, with damaged gut wall they are likely to absorb most of their foods partially digested, which may cause an immediate reaction or a delayed reaction (a day, a few days or even a couple of weeks later).

GAPS for Pets

Is there likely a similar connection with our animals?


We are feeding far TOO MUCH processed food, high carbohydrate food that is damaging gut health.

We are also dealing with an epidemic of pets suffering from autoimmune diseases; allergies are most common, but the immune system is also damaging organs such as the kidneys ( ie Chronic Renal Failure), affecting the joints in arthritis, the skin in Pemphigus, and the brain in Cognitive Dysfunction

Clearly what you feed your pets can have a DRAMATIC impact on their health.

The some suggestions…

1. LESS processed food- less kibble, more home diets and raw

2. IF you are feeding kibble, ensure that it has MINIMAL carbohydrates

3. Supplement.

4. Add in some natural probiotics in the form of palin yoghurt – this can be added daily.

Beberapa Link Penting

Akan terbit “Atlas Endoskopi Hewan Kecil” minggu depan (12/4/2012). Launching akan dilakukan bersamaan dengan pelaksanaan Kursus Endoskopi di Bagian Bedah & Radiologi FKH IPB. Peserta kursus akan memperoleh atlas ini secara GRATIS (Free) sebagai bahan materi kursus. Rencananya Atlas ini akan dilepas di pasaran dengan harga Rp 250.000,- tentunya akan ada masa promosi (bulan diskon) selama beberapa minggu. Seperti biasanya, akan ada harga khusus bagi mahasiswa*.

Selamat dan sukses bagi Staf Bagian Bedah dan Radiologi FKH IPB, semoga kedepan akan semakin banyak lagi buku-buku berkualitas yang diterbitkan untuk kecerdasan dan peningkatan keilmuan bangsa Indonesia.

*syarat dan ketentuan berlaku

Dear Kolega, saat telah tersedia buku “Diagnosis USG pada Hewan Kecil”. Diskon hingga 20%, mohon segera menghubungi CP (Windy +62852 714 316 75). Jumlah terbatas hingga bulan April 2012. Terima kasih.

Nomor :  001



Penerimaan Tenaga Dosen Tetap Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Universitas Brawijaya Tahun 2011


Berdasarkan rencana kebutuhan tenaga Dosen, maka Universitas Brawijaya akan melaksanakan penerimaan Tenaga Dosen Tetap Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil, dengan perincian sebagaimana tersebut pada lampiran Pengumuman ini.


1.1.   Waktu :

Penerimaan pendaftaran, seleksi administrasi, pengisian biodata, dan pengambilan Nomor Tanda Peserta Ujian oleh yang bersangkutan mulai :

Tanggal     :     17 Pebruari 2011  s.d.  3 Maret 2011

Pukul         :     08.00  s/d. 15.00  WIB

1.2.   Tempat Pendaftaran :

Bagian Kepegawaian Gedung Rektorat Lantai 4
Universitas Brawijaya Jl. Veteran Malang, Telp. 0341-551611, Pesawat 108 – 109

1.3.   Persyaratan Pendaftaran

1.      Warga Negara Indonesia.

2.      Berusia serendah-rendahnya 22 tahun dan setingi-tingginya : S1 maksimal 27 Tahun, S2 maksimal 32 Tahun dan S3 maksimal 40 Tahun pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011.

1.4.   Kelengkapan :

1.      Surat lamaran (tanpa meterai) ditulis dengan tinta hitam dan ditandatangani oleh    pelamar  dengan menyebutkan jabatan yang akan dilamar untuk Pendidikan S1 sebagai Asisten Dosen dan Pendidikan S2 dan S3 sebagai Dosen, ditujukan : Kepada Rektor Universitas Brawijaya.

2.      1 (satu) lembar fotokopi STTB / Ijazah yang telah terakreditasi Institusi A / Internasional dan harus sesuai dengan kualifikasi akademik yang dibutuhkan, dan telah disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang (tanggal penetapan STTB/Ijazah harus sebelum tanggal pelamaran, tidak boleh surat keterangan atau pernyataan yang menyatakan bahwa belum di Wisuda) dan menunjukkan ASLINYA kepada Bagian Pendaftaran.

3.      Bagi pelamar yang memiliki ijazah lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri atau lembaga pendidikan luar negeri harus melampirkan Surat Keputusan Penetapan dan Penyetaraan hasil penilaian ijazah lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri dari Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional.

4.      Untuk Pelamar Dosen, Kualifikasi Pendidikan harus Linier antara Ijazah S-1, S-2 dan S-3.

5.      a. Indek Prestasi Kumulatiif , untuk yang berijazah :

  • Doktor   (S-3)       =    > 3,50.
  • Magister (S-2)      =    > 3,00.
  • Sarjana  (S-1)       =    > 3,00.

b.   Indek Prestasi Kumulatif, untuk yang berijazah : Kedokteran Umum, Kedokteran Hewan dan Keperawatan adalah :

  • Sarjana  (S-1)     =    > 3,00
  • Magister (S2)       =    > 3,00
  • Profesi                =    > 3,00
  • Diploma IV (D.IV) =    > 3,00

6.   Memiliki nilai TOEFL-ITP (Institutional Testing Program) > 475 dan masih berlaku 2 tahun. Bagi yang belum memiliki dapat mengikuti Test di Equivalent Toefl di UPT Lintas / Bahasa  Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran Malang.

7.   4 (empat) lembar pas photo berwarna ukuran 3 x 4 cm., dibaliknya ditulis nama yang bersangkutan dan dimasukkan dalam kantong plastik.

8.   Menyerahkan Surat Pernyataan Tidak Sedang Terikat Kontrak dengan Instansi/Perguruan Tinggi lain.

9.   Mengisi Surat Perjanjian Ikatan Kerja, formulir disediakan oleh Panitia.

10.   Membawa Materai Rp. 6.000,00 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar.

11.   Berkas-berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam Stop Map.



2.1.   Ujian Tahap I, pada :

Hari / Tanggal             :     Senin, 8 Maret 2011

Pukul                            :     08.00  s/d  11.00  WIB

Tempat                         :     Gedung Samantha Krida Universitas Brawijaya

Jl. Veteran Malang

Kelengkapan                :     Kartu Peserta, Pensil 2B, Karet Penghapus dan Rautan.

Materi Ujian :     Tes Substansi (sesuai bidang keilmuan).

Pengumuman Tahap I:     Selasa, 14 Maret 2011

2.2.    Ujian Tahap II (bagi yang dinyatakan Lulus Tes Tahap I), pada :

1 Rabu, 16-3-2011 08.00 – selesai Bahasa Inggris menyusul  
2 Jumát, 18-3-2011 08.00 – selesai Wawancara    
3 Senin, 21-3-2011 08.00 – selesai MMPI / Personality test    

Pengumuman Tahap II     :     Jumát, 25 Maret 2011

2.3.    Bagi Peserta yang telah dinyatakan LULUS TAHAP II (Pengumuman Akhir), diwajibkan untuk mengikuti TES BAHASA INGGRIS ON LINE, pada :

Hari / Tanggal             :     Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Pukul                           :     08.00  s/d  selesai

Tempat                         :     UPPTI dan Puskom  UB

Pengumuman Akhir  :     Rabu, 6 April 2011



a.     Bagi pelamar yang sudah memasukkan berkas lamaran sebelum pengumuman ini dikeluarkan, dan kualifikasi pendidikan sesuai dengan Pengumuman ini diharapkan datang langsung ke tempat pendaftaran untuk memperbarui berkas lamaran,  bagi yang tidak datang dan memperbarui berkas lamaran dianggap mengundurkan diri.

b.     Tidak diadakan surat menyurat.

c.     Pada saat mendaftar pelamar harus membawa pensil 2B dan karet penghapus.

4. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan kepada Panitia Pendaftaran atau melalui Website Universitas Brawijaya : www.ub.ac.id.


Demikian atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih.






Prof.Dr.Ir. Yogi Sugito
NIP. 19510122 197903 1 002



There are three feline blood groups: A, B and AB. Group A is the most common, B is quite common in some breeds (see Table 1) but is rare in others, and group AB currently appears to be rare in all breeds.

Blood group is determined genetically and the gene for group A is dominant to the gene for group B. This means that a blood group B cat must carry two group B genes (ie, it is homozygous) and can only pass on a B gene to its offspring. A blood group A cat may have two A genes (ie, it may be homozygous), or it may have one A gene and one B gene (ie, it may be heterozygous). A heterozygous cat will pass an A gene to around half of its kittens, and will pass a B gene to the other kittens. This means that if a heterozygous group A stud cat is mated with a group B queen, a proportion of the resulting kittens can be expected to be group A. Blood group AB is inherited independently and the AB gene appears to be dominant to the B gene, but recessive to the A gene.

Type A is generally the most common blood type. Blood type A and B frequencies in domestic short- and longhair cats vary from country to country; some countries have only type A cats, whereas others may have as many as 50 per cent type B cats. Furthermore, blood type frequencies vary between breeds; for example the Siamese and some related breeds have only blood type A, while other breeds may have as many as half and half As and Bs (eg, Turkish Angora and Van).

Blood group incompatibility

Blood group B cats all have naturally occurring anti-A antibodies in their blood that are present in high levels from a few months of age and which can cause destruction of type A red blood cells. In the normal way this is quite safe because group B cats do not have any type A red blood cells. However, if a group B cat is given a blood transfusion from a group A cat then the transfused A cells will be rapidly destroyed and an immediate, dramatic, potentially fatal transfusion reaction is likely to occur.

Antibodies in the blood are also passed into the colostrum and milk, so if a newborn group A kitten suckles from a group B queen during its first day of life, it may absorb large amounts of anti-A antibodies, causing damage to its type A red blood cells – this is neonatal isoerythrolysis.

About one third of blood group A cats have some naturally occurring anti-B antibodies in their blood which will cause destruction of type B red blood cells. In most cases the anti-B antibodies are present in low numbers, enough to cause serious transfusion reactions, but not enough to cause neonatal isoerythrolysis.

Neonatal blood group incompatibility

Blood group incompatibility at birth, also known as ‘neonatal isoerythrolysis’ or ‘haemolysis of the newborn’, can be a significant cause of death in young kittens of certain breeds.

The problem arises if a queen with blood group B produces kittens that are blood group A or AB. The kittens are born healthy, but during their first day of life they absorb antibodies from the mother’s colostrum (first milk) which destroy their red blood cells causing anaemia and jaundice.

What to look for in affected kittens:

The kittens will all be normal at birth but, soon after they have suckled, any group A or AB kittens in the litter may start to show signs of disease. The severity of the signs is very variable.

  • In some cases neonatal isoerythrolysis can cause sudden death, with no prior warning signs that the kitten is affected.
  • In most cases the kittens will appear to ‘fade’ over the course of a few days: they will cease suckling and become weak; they often appear pale and if they survive may become jaundiced (yellow). They usually pass red coloured urine due to the presence of red cell breakdown products in the urine.
  • Mildly affected kittens may show few signs of illness during the first week of life, but the tip of their tail may gradually die off.
  • Some kittens remain unaffected and show no signs of disease at all.

These differences in the severity of signs are probably due to variations in the amount of anti-A antibody the queen passes into her colostrum; the amount of colostrum sucked by each kitten within the first few hours of life; and the amount of antibody the kitten absorbs from the colostrum.

Treatment of affected kittens

Once the kitten has absorbed the antibodies it is very difficult to treat the problem.

  • If the problem is recognised within the first few hours of life the affected kittens must be removed from the queen to prevent further absorption of additional anti-A antibodies from the colostrum.
  • It may be possible to give the kitten a blood transfusion of washed red cells from a group B cat (eg, the queen) in order to supply type B red blood cells which will not be destroyed by the anti-A antibodies. However, generally the problem is recognised too late for this to be helpful, and there are very real, practical difficulties in providing a blood transfusion to a newborn kitten.

Preventing the problem from occurring

As treatment is rarely possible it is much more appropriate to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. There are a number of practical measures that a breeder can use to do this, as long as he/she knows the blood type of the cats involved.

Avoid using group B cats for breeding altogether: This approach certainly avoids the problem of neonatal isoerythrolysis, but it may limit the choice of breeding animals, which may be undesirable for other reasons particularly in small number breeds with a high prevalence of group B individuals. This approach will tend to reduce the proportion of group B cats within a breed. It is only practical in catteries with no other B cats, or in breeds where type B cats are rare.

Only mate group B queens with group B toms: This approach will also avoid the problem of neonatal isoerythrolysis, but again it will limit the choices for matings. All the offspring of such matings will be group B so this approach tends to gradually increase the proportion of group B cats within a breed.

Prevent group A kittens from suckling colostrum from a group B queen during first day: This method has been used by many breeders, but does involve some risk of losing kittens to neonatal isoerythrolysis (see ‘Home Care’ below).

Blood typing cats

Blood typing for cats is now readily available. A blood sample can be collected by your vet and submitted to a commercial laboratory for testing, or the practice may have blood typing kits to provide a more immediate result. A number of these kits are now available providing an accurate and inexpensive means to blood type cats.

Home care

Neonatal isoerythrolysis can be prevented if group A and AB kittens are prevented from suckling colostrum from their group B mother for the first 16-24 hours of life (the period during which they are able to absorb antibodies from the colostrum).

If blood typing kits are available then the kitten’s blood groups can be identified at birth, using a drop of anticoagulated blood from each kitten (or its umbilical cord). In this way only the group A and AB kittens need to be removed from the queen, but any group B kittens in the litter can be left to suck from the queen.

Once the kittens have been removed from the queen they must either be hand-reared for the first 16 to 24 hours of life, or they can be temporarily fostered onto a lactating group A queen, if one is available.

  • Hand rearing the kittens has the disadvantage that the kittens miss out on the advantages of receiving colostrum, but in most cases this does not appear to cause clinical problems for the kitten except in catteries with high risk of infectious disease.
  • Fostering the kittens to another group A queen will provide passive immunity to the kittens, even if the foster queen is no longer producing colostrum. Cats continue to produce relatively large amounts of protective antibodies in their milk throughout their lactation, and these antibodies will be absorbed by the newborn kittens, giving them some early protection from infectious diseases.

If no suitable foster queen is available, and the kittens are considered to be at risk from infectious diseases that are present in the breeding group, then some passive immunity can be provided using serum harvested from a blood sample collected from a donor cat. The blood sample must be collected and separated by a vet, and the serum can then be fed to the kittens or given by injection. While this is safe to do, it rarely appears to be necessary.

Table 1: Estimated frequency of type B cats in various breeds  

NB: For some breeds only small numbers of cats have been tested, so the figures may not be as accurate as they would be if results were available for larger numbers of cats. The proportion of group B cats within a breed may change with time, depending on breeding choices and patterns within that breed.

Only type A Low type B frequency  


Intermediate type B frequency  


High type B frequency (>25%)
Siamese* American Shorthair* Abyssinian* British Shorthair* ^
Tonkinese* Maine Coon* Birman* ^ † Cornish Rex*
Oriental Shorthair* Manx* Burmese^ Devon Rex* †
Norwegian Forest* Himalayan* Exotic*
Bengal** Persian* ^ Ragdoll*
Scottish Fold* Turkish Van*
Somali* Turkish Angora *
Sphynx* †

* Figures supplied by Dr Giger, University of Pennsylvania

^ Figures from a study of UK cats conducted by C Knottenbelt, University of Glasgow

† Figures supplied by Dr Addie, University of Glasgow

** Figures supplied by Professor D Gunn-Moore, Edinburgh University



Dr Urs Giger and Dr Diane Addie are internationally recognised specialists in feline medicine who have a particular interest in neonatal isoerythrolysis. Both have generously contributed their expertise to this information sheet.

Much of the information reported here is based on original work by Dr Giger’s group. Dr Giger has a transfusion laboratory where over 20,000 cats have been typed and many difficult blood typing problems have been studied and difficult incompatibilities have been reconciled. Dr Giger’s web site is www.vet.upenn.edu/penngen

Dr Diane Addie has also created a website which contains a lot of information about this disease and she has established a UK register of queens and stud cats of known blood groups to assist breeders in managing this difficult problem. The site is at www.catvirus.com

Updated November 2008

©This information sheet is produced by the Feline Advisory Bureau

The Feline Advisory Bureau is the leading charity dedicated to promoting the health and welfare of cats through improved feline knowledge, to help us all care better for our cats. Currently we are helping almost 4 million cats and their owners a year. If this advice has helped you care better for your cat please enable us to help others by making a donation. To do this you can either click here or send a cheque to the address below (made payable to ‘Feline Advisory Bureau’)

FAB, Taeselbury, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire, UK, SP3 6LD

Tel: +44(0)1747 871 872  Fax: +44(0)1747 871 873


Cara Ampuh Cegah Penyebaran Virus Komputer
Sumber : http://www.dikti.go.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1247:cara-ampuh-cegah-penyebaran-virus-komputer&catid=159:artikel-kontributor

Salah satu teknik penyebaran virus yang paling cepat saat ini yaitu dengan melalui media flash disk. Penyebaran melalui lash disk biasanya menggunakan fitur autorun atau biasa disebut juga dengan autoplay.

Jika komputer Anda termasuk yang sering kedatangan tamu USB flash disk, cara dibawah ini dapat dicoba. Cara berikut ini akan mengurangi potensi komputer Anda terserang virus melalui flash disk.

Berikut ini cara mencegah penyebaran virus computer dengan mematikan fitur autorun/autoplay:

1. Buka kotak run. Bisa melalui Start -> Run atau tekan tombol Windows di keyboard, tahan kemudian tekan tombol R (Windows+R).
2. Setelah kotak dialog run muncul, ketik gpedit.msc, tekan OK.
3. Kemudian akan muncul window Group Policy.
4. Masukkah ke folder Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System.
5. Klik ganda pada Turn Off Autoplay.
6. Kemudian pada window Turn Off Autoplay Properties pilih opsi Enabled. Pada pilihan Turn off Autoplay on pilih All drives. Klik Ok.

Dengan cara ini semoga komputer Anda terlindung dari serangan virus.